Meaning and Importance of the Solar Plexus-Manipura Chakra- Part-1

It’s not what happens to you that separates you from the rest. It is what you do about everything that happens to you. How you react to things, how you keep believing in yourself when others can’t see it because they won’t.. it’s your dream. It was given to you.

Empower your mind….set it free

You want to ride that raging bull. You want to surf that towering wave. You want to jump on top of that wild stallion and race away into the sunset. You don’t want to live a life that constantly leaves you feeling there could be a lot more to it. You want to discover how far you can go and with each step go farthest from where you’ve ever been.

Meaning and Importance of The Sacral Chakra-Swadhishthana-Part-1

Don’t suppress your inner artist for fear of judgement. This is the key to unlocking the power of the Sacral Chakra. On the flipside, indulge your senses in the creation you are surrounded by but don’t lose yourself. Remember your true essence extends far beyond what meets the eye.