5 secrets of charismatic leadership

Even if they can often have their idiosyncrasies, charismatic leaders constantly demand more of themselves and their people and work on bridging that growth curve with a lot of work. They are often perfectionists who can see the flaws clearly but are optimistic on how to fix them with novel solutions.

Do you have a fear of success?

Anyone stuck in the idea that in order to become the best version of themselves.. in order to have all that they want and deserve from life, they will have to sacrifice what they do have.. That they risk losing this for that.. is just engaging in self deception.

How to achieve ‘Flow state’ part-2

The focus is to tap into the zone of ‘peak experience’ or the ‘flow state’ to be able to create your magic seamlessly and enjoy the experience. You want to stay in that state once you get there and prolong it to extract maximum impact from it.

Any fine tuning if necessary can be done after that session of activity ends; when you have accumulated confidence and sufficient data of your performance to analyze and perfect.

It’s for this purpose that professional archers quite often practice the ‘sudden release’ via employing a mechanical release or ‘release aid’.

How to achieve ‘flow state’? Part-1

When you’re running, the mind does want to stop in the beginning but after a point it almost seems that the body is going on its own and the mind even if it logically wanted the body to stop wouldn’t be able to do so.